Saturday, March 5, 2022

365 Days of Climate Awareness 205 – Impacts on Australian Wildlife

Australia is warming at a slightly higher rate than the rest of the world, both in the air and ocean (especially the ocean on its east coast). Increased temperatures, and increased tendency to both droughts and extreme rain are having destructive effects on both terrestrial and marine species.

Sea turtle.

For example, sea turtles, the type shown in Finding Nemo, are increasingly female, upsetting the ideal reproductive balance. The sex of sea turtles is determined by the ambient temperature while the eggs incubate in the sand. Higher temperatures favor females, and this has been borne out through several recent population surveys.

Rock wallaby (still hoping for its B-52s song).

A wide range of terrestrial species are being affected by warmer temperatures and longer summers. Rock wallabies (marsupials similar to the kangaroo and native to western Australia, are losing habitat to increasing heat and drought. Eucalyptus forests are declining, as trees grow weaker and die. This is affecting koalas, which are having increasing trouble finding suitable food. Higher temperatures are hastening the life cycle of butterflies across southern Australia, causing them to leave their cocoons earlier and die sooner, losing almost two days (out of about 12 months) per decade.

Koala bear.

The warmer climate is causing larger animals like birds to breed and hatch a week or more earlier, causing juveniles to have to search farther for still-scarce food, and be more vulnerable to starvation or predation. The mount pygmy possum, which lives in a few restricted mountain environments in Victoria and New South Wales, is nearing extinction due to snow loss and shortened hibernation season. At the same time some rainforest species such as the golden bowerbird are escaping the intense heat of the jungle and moving up into the mountains, which they are poorly adapted for and often struggle to find food.

Golden bowerbird.

Mount pygmy possum.

Tomorrow: introduction to Oceania.

Be brave, and be well.

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