Saturday, February 5, 2022

365 Days of Global Awareness 177 – Climate Trend Snapshots


So we’ve made it through my (perhaps too exhaustive) year-by-year chronicle of recent climate history. I do think it’s worthwhile to see, on a closer-up basis, the difference between some trends which are very clear and almost unabated (CO2 content in the atmosphere, global mean sea level, among others) and aspects which are, even with long-term trends, subject to intense year-to-year variation (regional temperatures and precipitation, storm activity).

Understanding where variability is most likely is an important part not only of seeing the news clearly, but also of making plans. To live robustly and resiliently in a world of increasing climate change means to prepare for increasingly likely extreme events: torrential rains the northeastern US, freezing weather in Texas, and serious drought along the US west coast—to name just a few examples.

Awareness not only of the steady trends but of the likeliness for erratic variation—the weirdness on top of the warming—is becoming more important. Because it’s also becoming increasingly obvious that, in addition to driving for meaningful change at the societal level, we need to live individually and communally with the reality of a changing and increasingly hostile environment. As a society, as humans, our goal is not merely understanding, but action to mitigate climatic danger and survive as well as we can.

With that in mind, I’m going to focus for the next set of posts on pictorial representations of trends, both regional and global, illustrating both the steady trends and the variation. Having just gone through numerical and catalogued data from the past two-plus decades, it’s time for some quick visual snapshots showing the progress of the planet’s climate.  

Today’s pictures feature one I’ve shown before (not my first repeat), in post no. 126, about climate normals. Normals are NOAA’s system of thirty-year running averages of measurables like temperature and precipitation, which give a meaningful baseline for present-day comparison. Every ten years a new thirty-year normal is calculated. Presently, the normals used are averages from 1991-2020 (released last May). The series of temperature plots shows, in a gridded US map, the difference between each 30-year normal and the overall 20th century average. It is therefore an extremely robust set of comparisons, composed of hundreds of thousands of individual measurements. Ten sets of 30-year normals, from 1900 to 2020, are shown.

US climate temperature normals (30-year averages), from 1900-2020, each compared to 20th century averages.

The second is based on global satellite data, calculating differences in temperature between 1990-2020 (the current normal period plus 1990). The data set is not as extensive as the map of normals, but does show clear long-term trends. Due to the satellite tracks there are holes in the data at north and south poles. Of note are some of the cooling spots, at the southern tip of South America and Africa and in the North Atlantic, plus the very clear signature of a strengthening La Niña phase (which drives solar heat deeper into the ocean, increasing its overall heat content).  Also of note are the lack of Antarctic amplification and the very real presence of Arctic amplification, which seems to also include northeastern North America, central Europe and the Mideast.

Comparison of global satellite temperature data, 1990-2020. Note cooling spots around Antarctica, in the North Atlantic, and for La Niña. Note also the intense band of warming around the Arctic, including NE North America, central Europe and the Mideast.  

Tomorrow: Arctic sea ice, 2000-2021.

Be brave, and be well.

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